Owned and operated by East Boldre Community Stores Limited
Community Benefit Society, number 8481
Living Memories - Your Stories So Far
A key part of our exhibition and the chapel's modern history will draw upon local people's living memories and photographs.
The chapel's early years from 1810 to 1985 are documented in a “A Light in the Forest” written by Eric Smith. However, there is no similar information collated from 1985 onwards. This is what we need your help to piece together so we can produce an updated edition of this history, for which Freda, Eric's widow, has kindly given permission.
So far, we have spoken to 31 members of the congregation and people who worked at the Chapel. Another 10 people have shared their memories via email, phone and Facebook.
We would love to hear your memories too!
There are recurring themes in these conversations which include:
Key people and families who had been involved with the church for generations, e.g the Reads, the Kitchers, Uncle Eddie.
Sunday school
Youth group, also called Missioners
Ladies Fellowship
Messy Breakfast
Key events on the calendar & importance of the church in local lives – Easter, Harvest Festival and the spectacular displays created, Christmas, Summer Fete
The challenges of running the church – finding pastors and maintaining numbers in the congregation
The stories about fundraising and building maintenance using skills from the congregation.
This latter theme particularly resonated with us given our recent renovation of the chapel and the generous support and help we have relied upon from local people.